Intuitive Body Scans

Health has become a major focus for us all.

Body scanning is the ability to be able to see/sense/feel the imbalances in someone’s body.

Clients have been requesting much more in-depth information about what is going on with their health, hence adding this service!

I have been doing mini body scans in readings and healings for clients since I began in 2012, but I wanted to offer a separate service just focusing on a client’s health and what is happening in their body.

Spirit show me blocks, tension, energy imbalances, mental, emotional and physical issues during a scan, so it covers everything!

I give comprehensive recorded audio notes as to what I am shown by Spirit.

Please Note: Healing is NOT included in these sessions and there is NO contact.

"Sarah truly has an unbelievable gift! I am 48 years old and I was having foot issues, so asked for a body scan…not only was she right about my ankle needing surgery, she also found an issue with my spine.

After convincing my Doctor to take an x-ray to their surprise they diagnosed me with Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease, I am so grateful Sarah caught this as I can now get treatment to help slow the progression."

~ Denise ~