March 2022 Urban Crow Oracle Card Reading

Crow calls you to speak your truth, know your life mission and follow your dreams.

I decided to change how I do my monthly updates as they don’t resonate with me like they used to.

So, instead this month, I have decided to do a spread using my new Crow Urban Oracle cards that I treated myself to from MJ Cullinane at

I love crows and have always felt incredibly connected to them, but it is only recently that I have begun to work more closely with them.

I have a crow guide called Malik, (which means king!) who connects with me directly and also through the cards.

As many of you know, I don’t use cards for readings as I speak directly to Spirit.

The crow cards speak to me like no other cards have ever done, but I mainly use them for my own personal use. However, I was guided to use them for this blog post, so I hope you enjoy the crow’s insight.

I also wanted to give a bit of information before I write about the reading about what I have been experiencing with timelines to help anyone who is feeling that something a little strange is going on!

The timelines are shifting and changing so quickly at the moment, it is incredibly hard for anyone to predict what happens next.

What I have found very interesting is that I actually felt a timeline shift physically around the end of February.

It felt a bit like a punch in the stomach as I was brushing my teeth! it was so strong I actually felt like I might be sick, but this only lasted for literally a second or two, but it made such an impact I had to understand it.

I feel, as does a good friend of mine, who is also a psychic reader, that this was manufactured (man-made)! She also sensed something above the Earth’s grid that is causing it to malfunction in some way, which is impacting probable outcomes.

I feel this is linked to the CERN, The Large Hadron Collider. I am not sure how, but this is what I was shown when asking Spirit what the energy shift was connected with.

So, if you thought something should have happened over the last few weeks, but it went wrong in some way, didn’t happen or got shifted by a few weeks then this is probably the reason!

There is so much happening behind the scenes that writing energy updates doesn’t feel like what I should be doing anymore and there are plenty of others out there that can guide you through the energies.

So, what I intend on doing is whatever I am guided to do at whatever time, hence this is part-way through the month! Hopefully, my posts will add to the information already out there and will create more of an overview for you.

We all know we are going through the biggest shift ever and we all know that the biggest thing to remember about moving into 5D is to ~ Live from the HEART and let go of fear as I have written about many times.

Obviously, some months will have more of an energy impact than others, but 2022 and beyond is going to be challenging in so many ways.

The best way we can deal with anything that comes our way, individually and collectively, is to work on healing ourselves.

Healing our issues and letting go of our fear means we will become more loving and be able to be in our heart centre more often.

This is the only way we will help to shift with the new energies and be part of the new Earth.

The change always begins within.

March’s Urban Crow Oracle Card Reading

I did this reading on 11th March 2022, so these cards relate from this date until 31st March 2022.

Urban Crow Oracle Cards Resistance, Battle and Anticipation

I have split the cards into two pictures. The three cards above, Resistance, Battle and Anticipation are the main cards for March.

The two cards below, Community and Perspective, were pulled when I asked how we get through this month more easily, hence why I will discuss these separately.

This is how I interpret the cards with the help of the crows! I also urge you to FEEL what you receive from the cards yourself as you may gain extra insight to help you personally.

These three cards show that there will be strong energies during March that will be hard to “fly” through and that there will be a lot of anger and resentment coming up, which will increase the challenges ahead. There is also a sense of anticipation that something is coming, which feels like a mixture of hope and dread!

The RESISTANCE card suggests we need to find balance in how we approach things this month.

The crows ask us to look to see if we have any resistance about moving forward. This could be anything from resistance in healing ourselves, resistance to moving to a new job, resistance about a project or even a new excersixe regime!

It also shows us that we need to find the “path of least resistance” to move forward as the card guidance (from the booklet) suggests. Both of these aspects I feel are true for this month.

The BATTLE card showed me that we may be battling ourselves and each other this month! There is a lot of anger and resentment coming up in the collective as well as on an individual basis.

I have been working through my own anger over the last few weeks, so if you feel angry right now you are not alone!

This card speaks to me about the ego, and how we battle each other with wanting to be heard, to be right, and to be victorious!

We also battle with ourselves a lot of the time too! How often have you told yourself you are not worthy as you haven’t been as kind as you could have been? How many times have you tried to reason with yourself about why someone treated you a certain way instead of allowing yourself to feel angry or hurt or sad?

Underneath my own anger has been a lot of hurt and grief, which is something we would all prefer not to feel. Anger is a useful emotion in terms of showing us that something is not right, but the ego likes anger as it feels more powerful and in control!

When we stop battling with ourselves and/or each other, we can start to feel the hurt, pain, grief, shame, sadness or whatever emotion is sitting underneath. But we need to let go and stop fighting.

Unfortunately, this month there will be a lot of people who do not want to stop battling! Don’t be one of them! Stop and allow yourself to feel underneath the anger.

Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and this will help you release all this old emotion so you can shift and move forward.

The ANTICIPATION card is all about waiting for an event or situation that brings up emotion! You may feel excited, hopeful, or anxious depending on your expectation.

This card feels like a mix of anxiety, hope and concern about the future as a collective. There is a lot going on in the world again and there is a lot of fear coming up as the mainstream media reports on what is happening across the globe.

This fear is adding to this sense of anticipation! Please don’t get caught up in the fear as there is a lot of fake news as well as truths coming out, so listen to your own intuition and discern what is real.

On the other side, the anticipation of “something coming” feels very real and I feel the next few months will be explosive in some way!

Many of you reading this will feel something big is about to happen, but can’t quite put your finger on it! I feel like that too, so the best thing to do is let go of any expectations or negative thoughts and take each day as it comes.

Some helpful questions to ask yourself this month:

  • What are you resisting in your life?

  • What or who are you battling against? Is it helping or hindering you?

  • Are you angry? If so why? Allow yourself to be truthful! What is under your anger?

  • What are you anticipating? Do you need to change your thoughts?

Urban Crow Oracle Cards Community and Persepctive

The last two cards of the reading are COMMUNITY and PERSPECTIVE.

I pulled the community card when asking the crows how we can help ourselves move through March more easily.

This means a couple of different things. The first is all about finding your “soul tribe”. This year is all about connections and family. We are shifting spiritually (and some of us physically to new locations) to connect with our soul family!

March is a great time to join a new group, go to a talk, start a new hobby, join a workshop etc as all of these things will help you meet new people!

Connecting with like-minded people will help us immensely during these challenging times, so find those that resonate with your energy. If you feel drawn to go somewhere, to do something or even to join a class on Zoom, go for it!

Listen to your intuition to help you meet your tribe.

The other side to this card is you may feel like certain friends or even family are falling away or just not resonating with you the same way as they did before.

This is completely normal and this happens every time you have a spiritual shift! If those around you do not shift too, your energy will no longer align.

Do not worry or panic, it doesn’t mean you can’t see your loved ones anymore! It may just mean the beliefs and things you had in common are not the same now. You are both moving on and some people may drop away from your life.

But rest assured new people will come in. It is all part of moving into the new Earth.

The final card is PERSPECTIVE, which is all about taking a moment to open your mind (and your heart!) and perhaps look at a situation with new eyes!

The crows are letting us know it is a good idea to take things slow this month and hold off on making any really big decisions until you have looked at all the aspects and information available.

It may also mean you need to take a new approach, especially with regard to finding your soul group, as these cards relate and clarify each other.

So if you have been feeling lonely or it has been difficult to meet others who share the same interests and beliefs as you, it may be important to change your perspective and take a new approach!

I hope this reading helps you through March’s energies and you have enjoyed your time spent in the company of the crows! I wish you a wonderful month.

I am incredibly grateful for your support from reading my posts, sharing them and buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) or giving me a donation. This enables me to keep this blog ad-free. Thank you from my heart to yours.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free”

~ Sarah Shepherd


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


Spirit Message ~ Truth


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