February’s 2022 Energy Forecast & 2222 Numerology

“The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear
and the acceptance of love.”

~ Marianne Williamson

February always feels to me like the proper start to the new year!! I have always found that we tie up loose “energy” ends in January and the new energies don’t properly begin until now!

The month kicks off with a New Moon in Aquarius ushering in the energy of new beginnings and change.

It is also the start of the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Tiger, which you can read more about here.

The Tiger is a symbol of strength and power and February 2022 is an 8 Universal Month (2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 8) and 8 is the number of POWER!

As this month has so much symbolism with numbers I wanted to write a little about what that means!

February 2022 Numerology

In numerology, the universal years range from 1 to 9.

2022 (2+0+2+2 = 6) is a Universal 6 year, which is all about BALANCE, RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-LOVE, HEALING and RELATIONSHIPS!

February 2022 is an 8 Universal Month and the number 8 resonates with authority, self-confidence, inner-strength, inner wisdom, social status, ego, love for humanity and a desire for peace.

February is also a special month in terms of the number “2”.

2nd February 2022, 20th February 2022 and 22nd February 2022 are all key dates this month and this is the end of a 222 sequence that started back in 2000. We won’t see this sequence again until 2nd February 2222!

As I wrote in the 2022 energy forecast, the number 222 is an Angel number said to represent the union between the conscious and subconscious mind (3D to 5D), which is exactly what we are all moving into right now!

2 is the number of balance and 2’s are all about unity, family, partnerships and relationships. The Universal 6 Year is also about these things and February’s energies amplify them again until everything is super-charged!

2 is also the number of unity and peace, yet here we are in a divided world, full of conflict, misinformation and blame!

Christine Delorey, Creative Numerology writes:

“The 2 energy is teaching us to diffuse and de-escalate rather than inflame – and to be patient with the details, with the pace of our progress, and with each other.

8 represents the power of CORRECT UNDERSTANDING, and 2 represents the power of PATIENCE, the power of DETAIL, the power of CARING, the power of DIPLOMACY, and the power of PARTNERSHIP.

Patience is not just a matter of being able to wait. Patience gives us the clarity to know when to hold back and when to take action. Correct understanding of patience hones our sense of RIGHT TIMING.”

Also, important to note is that the United States has its very first Pluto Return on 20th February 2022. America has never experienced the return of Pluto or the start of a new Pluto cycle as it is a relatively young county.

Pluto is known to bring forth destruction, transformation and power! When he makes a return (which takes approximately 247 years) there is an opportunity to let go of old archaic structures and systems that no longer hold any major benefit.

Major power shifts normally occur when countries have had a Pluto Return and February is all about power!

Even though all this may mean a bumpy ride ahead, this energy also brings transformation and positive changes too!

For example, everyone associated with the USA gets the opportunity to upgrade themselves too so they can reach the full potential of their Soul, which is incredibly positive!

222 days remind us that change brings upheaval, but also blessings!

The biggest thing to remember about moving into 5D is to ~ Live from the HEART and let go of fear.

Make a conscious effort to be more present and in your heart space this month, especially of the magical 222 energy days as this will serve you well!

As a little token of my love for you, here is a £10 off discount to use on any Service on Blissfully Free to help you through the month ahead. The only things it won’t work on are the Light Codes in the new zone below! Just use the code VALENTINE at the checkout and you can use it up to the end of Feb as many times as you wish ♡

NEW Relaxation Zone!

The 6 year can be incredibly hard for Empaths, as it has a service-oriented energy, so taking time out for self-love may feel difficult! You may find yourself saying yes too much and then realising you are completely overwhelmed.

Therefore, I have created a new space to help you through this year’s energy for FREE!

You can visit the Relaxation Zone, where there is a selection of FREE audio recordings to help you breathe, ground and open your heart!

February 2022 Energies

As I wrote previously, it is vital to stay grounded this year as balance is key and the continuing chaos may knock us off centre.

This is even more important as we flow through the month of February.

If you are out of balance in any area of life, it will be shown to you this month and it will be MAGNIFIED!

So, if you know already what you need to do to get back into balance, I suggest taking those steps right now, otherwise, you may be in for an unexpected surprise or test from the Universe!!

February is normally viewed as the month of love, with Valentine’s day on 14th February, and there is definitely a heart-opening energy coming in. This will help to open our Heart Chakras and awaken the masses!

You may have already been feeling this energy, which can cause heart palpitations, chest pain, and tightness across the chest.

If you are concerned in any way, please get medical assistance as the physical heart is going through a lot of changes with all these energies, so it is best to make sure you are okay.

However, these feelings, when nothing physical can be found, may be linked to EMF, WIFI and 5G! Your smartphone, computer, laptop, even the TV can be causing the energies to collide and create issues.

The best way to help yourself if this is happening to you is to take time away from these devices, which will also help your mind and central nervous system to calm down too.

If you can I suggest not sleeping in the same room as your phone, turn it off and leave it outside of your bedroom. Don’t carry your phone around with you in your pocket. Leave it on the side away from your body. Turn off your wifi at night and turn your TV off stand-by!

Being outside also aids our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health too and this will massively help you to calm the heart.

Connect with Mother Earth in whatever way feels good to you. This could be going for a daily walk or run, doing some gardening, playing with your kids in the park, doing a walking meditation or sitting on a bench just enjoying the fresh air.

Grounding and connecting with nature is also vital to help us anchor in the new energies, which all the technology we use is blocking us from doing easily!

February’s energy will also be very helpful in healing the heart too, so use it to look deep within and heal those aspects where you feel unworthy of love.

This is a wonderful month to bring in more love and also give more love too. The energy exchange is lovely and balanced if we choose to flow with this energy!

What feels very exciting is the incoming of more soulmates and soul families for everyone! If you have been feeling alone or isolated, this month’s energy will help you to move forward with others who you feel a connection with!

This may be as simple as finding a hobby or group with similar interests. You may get a desire to visit somewhere and meet someone new or people just come across your path!

The energies are opening up opportunities for more love and happiness, so listen to your intuition!!

There is a caveat to this!!

February will feel very challenging if you are fearful or worried about the future.

This is because we are moving from 3D into 5D reality. When we are in a fear-based energy we will stay in 3D and everything will feel difficult to cope with.

To bring in the love, joy, soulmates and soul family, we need to be stepping into 5D and embracing the chaos!

We can either what is happening in the world as necessary and even exciting or we can stay in fear (3D) and view it as scary and stressful.

This will be a very interesting month, so try to take each day as it comes and expect the unexpected or let go of all expectations!!

The choice is ours on how we want to move forward.

Here are some useful tips to help you move February with ease:

Make a conscious effort to be present and in your heart.

If you feel overwhelmed, fearful or stressed. Stop, sit and breathe.

Get out in nature every day!

Ask your heart “Where am I out of balance?”

Contemplate your answers and make an action plan to get back into balance!

Use the magical 222 energy days to BE LOVE! Give love to yourself, to everyone you meet, send love out to the world, and send love to Spirit!

I am incredibly grateful for your support from reading my posts, sharing them and buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) or giving me a donation. This enables me to keep this blog ad-free. Thank you from my heart to yours.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free”

~ Sarah Shepherd


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


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