2022 Energy Forecast, Numerology and January’s Energies

2022 Happy New Year

"What you seek is seeking you.”

~ Rumi

Happy New Year!

We made it through another year!! And what a year it has been.

At the beginning of 2021, I wrote that “2021 is a strange mix of energy as it feels more hopeful and lighter than 2020, yet still has the same sort of darkness hanging over it that 2020 did!”, which sounds about right!!

I also wrote that “2021 feels like another very challenging year, but with a shift of energy that can help us still be able to create the life we want!”

One of the key lessons from 2021 was that whatever we focus on we create, and this creation comes from the heart.

We all know that on some level, but this year has really shown us this truth. Those that let go of fear and got on with their lives had a very different reality to those whose thoughts got the better of them.

It showed us the differences between living in 3D versus 5D.

This realization also gave us back our power, which was never taken from us in the first place, but we definitely needed to take it back in these uncertain times!!

Bringing this awareness into 2022 will make the difference between living a heart-centred fulfilled life versus one where your desires and dreams are not met and perhaps even filled with fear and negativity.

If we live in fear, we attract more fear by creating experiences to make us fearful.

If we believe we are not abundant, we will always struggle to be abundant, whether that be financial, love, relationships, etc.

If we think the world is a bad place, we will only see negative news and attract others with similar views, therefore compounding this belief.

Whatever beliefs we hold will mirror what we experience in our external reality. These experiences validate our feelings and the whole process keeps running.

We need to break this cycle.

Don’t be a victim and blame the world conditions or people in your life for the circumstances you are in.

YOU created all of it, so 2022 is a great time to take full responsibility for every single thing YOU create and learn how to create what YOU truly want!

This is how we bring into our lives more love, more joy, more happiness, more laughter, more fun, more friendships, more abundance, and more of the things that make us FEEL good!

This is how we take back our power and become truly free.

2022 is an amazing year for manifesting, so check in with your thoughts and beliefs to make sure they are aligned with what you want this year!

2022’s Numerology

I am very interested in numerology as I find it fascinating and very informative, so here is a quick overview of 2022. I feel it is useful to put all the parts together to create a bigger picture.

In numerology, the universal years range from 1 to 9.

2022 (2+0+2+2 = 6) is a Universal 6 year, which is all about BALANCE, RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-LOVE, HEALING and RELATIONSHIPS!

Obviously, 2022 also has repetitions of the number two, which I also wanted to write about, as the number 222 is an Angel number said to represent the union between the conscious and subconscious mind (3D to 5D).

2 is also the number of balance and 2’s are all about unity, family, partnerships and relationships, so there is a double energy around these areas, so they will be a major focus for us all.

This is one of the reasons I have put up the Relationship Healings I used to offer, as I feel we may need a little extra help at times during 2022!

Do not make promises you cannot keep this year and do not take on responsibilities that are not yours. If you do, resentment and frustration are sure to follow, which may create more challenges within your relationships.

In a Universal 6 year, you may find yourself moving to a new place (home and/or work) as we will all be seeking where we truly belong.

A change of job or starting or expanding a business may occur, which can mean new and additional responsibilities too!

New relationships happen in a 6 year, and unhappy ones are healed or ended. People you haven’t seen or heard from for years may also come back into your life.

Emotions may be highly charged this year and 2022 will also bring about truth and justice. Try to take a step back before giving your view or passing judgement as this will help to create a more peaceful outcome, especially with certain people!

Creativity is top of the list this year, which could mean anything from doing some DIY, launching a new venture to beginning a new hobby or spiritual activity.

Allow yourself to be led by your intuition. If you feel like trying something new, making something or re-decorating then go for it!

One important thing to note with this year is that although the energies will force us to look at our responsibilities and relationships, our relationship with ourselves remains the key to unlocking everything else, especially in 2022.

Your first and foremost responsibility is to yourself, or you will be in no position to help anyone else. This is very important to remember and ties in with our shift in consciousness.

We are moving into a brand new reality where instead of rushing about trying to help and fix everyone and everything, we just need to shine our light and love on the person, situation or problem.

Spirit likened this to us being the Sun. It doesn’t follow anyone around or only shines on one house or one person!

The Sun just shines.

Anyone who wishes to enjoy the sun can do so and anyone who doesn’t can find shade.

This will take a bit of getting used to, but ultimately we are not here to fix anyone.

All we need to do is be like the sun and shine our own unique light out into the world.

We don’t need to do anything, apart from shine.

However, we cannot shine if we are exhausted, stressed, unhappy, angry or any other negative emotion, hence why looking after our own needs is so important in 2022!

We are here to learn to become more love.

Love does not want to fix anything.

Unconditional love accepts everything and everyone as it is in the moment.

We are love and we are here to learn to give this love to everyone in all situations regardless of what we think is right or wrong!

When we come from the heart, we shine our light and stand fully in our power.

We believe love can hurt, but the truth is only the loss of love hurts. It is our attachment to the person, animal, place or thing that makes it hurt so much.

Yet, if we realised that we have all of that love within (which we totally do!!) we may still feel sad, but it wouldn’t hurt as we would not be missing that love.

This is one of the biggest and hardest lessons there is, so I know it is not easy, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to be completely free and love unconditionally knowing and trusting that you are completely loved and never in any form of lack?!

The 6 year can be very hard for Empaths, as it has a service-oriented energy, so taking time out for self-love may feel difficult! You may find yourself saying yes too much and then realising you are completely overwhelmed.

So, please be aware of this and the need for control could also come up! I suggest making a plan where you give yourself time out to ground, let go and rest.

I am in a 6-year cycle with a 33/6 life path in a 6 year, so 2022 should be interesting!!

January 2022 Numerology

I wanted to touch on January’s numerology here too as I feel it is important.

January 2022 is a 7 Universal Month (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 7).

This month brings in the energies of number 7, which is all about a quest for knowledge and truth! This energy will help us go within and look deeper. It is a good time to work on spiritual practices and healing.

Take time out alone to sit, be still and use this energy to listen to your heart about what you truly want from this year. The 7 energy will help you do this and it is so important to begin this year in the right way!

January may also bring some stress and worry to the forefront and headaches may occur! So be careful about overthinking things and doing too much.

Balance is needed. Don’t push yourself to accomplish things.

The 7 energy will also bring things to light as it the number of secrets, conspiracy, and scandal! The number 7 also represents science, so it will be very interesting what comes to light with regard to what is happening with the virus!!

January is not a month to push, so be patient, go inward and listen to your heart!

2022 Energies

According to the numerology of 2022, it will be a lot more positive than 2021 with hopefully less change and a softer more loving energy!

However, I do pick up a rather chaotic energy overall for 2022 when I tune in, so don’t expect an easy ride, and the energies will still be helping us to heal, clear and let go too, so there will be more intensity. The good news is that it should feel very different from 2021 as it is not as “pushy” as last year’s energy!

2022 is a BIG year for all forms of healing work, so reflection, time alone to go within and peace will be important.

I have been asked by a number of clients if I offer Reiki, so in December I was guided to receive the latest most up-to-date version of Kundalini Reiki, the Millennium version, which is now available to purchase.

It is one of the simplest healing system’s that exists, and if you receive this you can then do Lightarian Reiki, which clients have also asked about!

I felt guided to offer this as we need simple healing systems that help us navigate these incredibly powerful energies more easily and healing will be a HUGE theme as we move through 2022, so this is a great tool to help you if it resonates with you.

Many people will not want to believe or see what is going to be revealed. The media will become even more extreme in what they try to control as will those in power.

There will be more cover-ups to stop the real facts from coming to light, but this will not stop the truth from being seen and understood by many.

This will bring about a further spiritual awakening for a lot of people and much-needed healing for the masses as well.

However, there will be a large group of people who will still believe that those that are in power still have their best interests at heart and everything that is happening is about protecting our health.

Unfortunately, both of these things will cause more division, chaos and anger.

So, remember to stay in your lane and stand in your power about what YOU believe to be true for you. You are the sun, and all you need to do is shine!

Keep your eye on the USA this year, especially around February time for things that were hidden to come to the surface! There will be a lot of unrest happening as the illusion breaks down and this will occur throughout the year.

The whole world will be impacted in some shape or form, so there is no “safe” place to be. We can only trust in what we are guided to do or where we are guided to be.

There will be a lot of people moving during 2022 as many of us need to change locations in order to bring more light to an area, anchor in an awakening, help others, connect more fully with our soul families, connect more with nature or just because we need to find our next home to aid our own spiritual growth.

I have been getting a feeling we will move next year and I have been feeling this since the Summer, but Spirit told me to wait until the Spring of 2022, so this may be a busy period for people moving house!

So, if you get an urge to move, listen, and allow your intuition to guide you.

This year is about letting go, making peace with what is and healing yourself so you can be the best version of yourself.

Where we live plays an important role in this and we are all being moved around again to help support the Earth and the changes that are coming.

It is vital to stay grounded this year as balance is key and the continuing chaos may knock us off centre.

Connecting with Earth’s energy will help anchor in new spiritual insights, recharge our energy and help us let go of negativity. Whenever you feel ‘off’ or confused get out into nature. You can also listen to the free grounding mediation I created too!

I also wanted to mention that there are so many spiritual teachers out there who all seem to say something different at the moment!

I don’t tend to truly follow anyone, although I have read a lot of books, enjoy some spiritual groups and have had two amazing mentors.

I feel we learn through a variety of ways, including every relationship, every situation, every job, every home, every animal, every client, and every illness.

Basically, we learn through everything we create. We also have all the answers within, so we shouldn’t just follow someone or trust in them completely without checking in with ourselves first!

Discernment is so important at this time and so is our free will.

It is one of the reasons I have not written about the “V” as I decided early on what was right for me. It is not my job or my right to decide for anyone else. This is a key choice point in our evolution that each person should decide for themselves, so it does not matter what I feel, think or believe. You need to trust how you feel.

If you are following anyone spiritual (including me!), and don’t resonate with some of the things they say, then know that this is okay! It doesn’t mean you have to stop reading their blogs or listening to their podcasts or watching their videos.

I have read many books where I agree with so much of what the author has written, but some of the things have not resonated at all or I have been triggered by them.

These are the books I remember the most as they gave me a precious gift. They made me look at my thoughts and emotions more deeply.

Sit with whatever doesn’t resonate and ask your heart why not. It may be that you didn’t want it to resonate so you immediately put up a barrier against it, but looking more deeply at it shows you it is the truth. Or perhaps your immediate reaction was correct and this was not the truth at all, so you were completely right to let it go.

If something someone says or writes triggers you, which means you have a reaction to it, normally a negative one! Then you really need to sit with this and look at it. You have created this trigger to help you heal the emotion it brings up.

Therefore, I suggest reading blogs, books, group chats and listening to lots of different types of spiritual people during 2022 to see what resonates with you or triggers you.

Allow yourself to be open to what crosses your path and decide how you feel about it by using your heart rather than your head.

This is one of the best ways to open up your intuition and also let go of judgement! It is much better to be open than to unfollow or close off everyone that you are unsure of.

If you want to read more about what is actually happening behind the scenes of the mainstream, Telegram is a good place to start.

I know many of you are worried about loved ones and what happens next.

All I can say right now is that 2022 will be a big year for the V and the decisions made around it. We need to remember that each soul will make their choice based on what is right for them.

However, I do believe we should all come together to stop anything being mandated as this will only lead to a very unhappy path for everyone.

Remember to be the sun and try not to get too attached to what is happening.

If you feel overwhelmed, fearful or stressed. Stop, sit and breathe.

Spirit told me recently the best way to stop overwhelm is to lie down on your back (savasana or corpse pose) with your eyes closed in a darkened room or with an eye mask on with no noise or distractions. Lay here until you feel relaxed. Do not go to sleep.

I normally do this for 15-20mins. I always wear an eye mask as I find this really helps the eyes rest. I feel like a completely different person when I get up!! This is pure relaxation and I feel I will be doing this quite a bit in 2022!

If your mind starts to whirl when you do this, let it. This is the body & mind unwinding. It may feel very uncomfortable but stick with it. Just allow all the thoughts to churn around.

It is a bit like a washing machine. Once you have been spinning around it will start to slow down and then you will feel cleansed, clear and relaxed! Plus, this will bring you back into your body rather than being in your head.

I channelled the Light Codes we need for 2022 on 1st January to connect us with the new energies. These are now available as a digital download and can be listened to throughout the year to help you navigate the energies.

I hope this overview and the new services (plus the old ones!) I have on my website to help you through 2022. I wish you a very joyful, happy and light-filled year.

Here are some useful tips to remember as we move into 2022:

You do not need anyone’s approval, only your own.

Trust your feelings/intuition to discern the truth.

If anything or anyone triggers you, look at it so you can heal it!!!

Make conscious and informed choices, don’t just follow the crowd.

Being of service does NOT mean sacrificing your own health!

Make time for self-care and give yourself oodles of self-love!

Check in with your thoughts and beliefs regularly, so you manifest your desires!

Live from the HEART and let go of fear.


I am incredibly grateful for your support from reading my posts, sharing them and buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) or giving me a donation. This enables me to keep this blog ad-free. Thank you from my heart to yours.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free”

~ Sarah Shepherd


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


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