Happy New Astrological Year 2024!

"The balance place is between darkness and light, calm and chaos, where time is nothing and now is everything. ”

~ Unknown

It feels good to be writing again and I hope to do a lot more on this blog as I took a long break from writing for the past year to focus on my own healing journey. The good news is that I have come out the other side feeling much more balanced and ready to write again!

If like me, you have been feeling like you are on some crazy ride that never seems to end then you are at the right place!!

The energies have pushed us into an incredibly deep healing process and some of you, like myself, may have wanted to retreat and perhaps even hide away, but the tides are turning and the energy is helping us to come out of hibernation and see what we the world has to offer once again.

We have been pushed into going inward and if we haven’t done the work that is needed to heal on the timeline our soul wants for us, then we will still have lots of opportunities to do so, but we may be finding that things have become a lot more physical to help us understand where and what we need to balance!

The energies are going to continue to increase as we move forward in this ascension process, so the ride will take us higher but should also become much more fun as the last few years have been very challenging.

Souls that cannot or will not make the move into “5D” will likely decide to leave the planet, so you may find a lot of people choose to go this year and over the next few years depending on where they are on their own healing journey.

Many will of course choose to stay and the good news is that there is a lot of help coming through from Spirit right now showing us the way forward.

This comes to us in the form of signs, synchronicities, sudden knowledge, downloads, intuition, gut feelings, social media, a line from a book, advice from a friend, meeting with a stranger, etc.

The best way to be aware of this information is to make sure your Heart Chakra is open and your mind is calm! If you are stressed and always in your head, then you may miss the signs!

There are no such thing as coincidences, especially at this point in our journey!!

March has already brought us HUGE waves of energies to help us shift, release and grow, but there is plenty more to come as we have the Equinox (19th/20th March depending where you are in the world), which is the beginning of Spring for me here in the UK and my favourite season!

The Equinox is also the start of the new astrological year (as Aries season begins, which is the first sign on the zodiac wheel), so if you have been de-cluttering and cleaning over the last month (I have!!) then you have been feeling the energy of change coming and you have been preparing and processing it.

We also have a Libra Lunar Eclipse on 25th of March, which brings an incredibly transformative energy that may create a few tower moments in our lives, especially with relationships, so be prepared for the unexpected!

This may come in the form of endings for many of us, but an ending is also the opportunity for a new beginning, so if something ends in your life, trust it will be replaced with something that is much more suited to your energy.

The Equinox is a balanced energy and because the energy around us is in perfect balance, if we are out of balance in any way it will show up!!

Health concerns will be highlighted at the moment, and also will continue to be so over this year, so please listen to what your body is telling you! It is very important for your spiritual growth and the next stage of your journey to listen to your body.

Unfortunately, this energy won’t get any easier, so if you are not in balance you are going to find it incredibly challenging!

Our physical bodies are part of the spiritual journey. I always remember Spirt telling me how everything is “spiritual” and everything is connected and that everything single thing we do is spiritual!!

The spiritual journey is taking care of all parts of us:

  • Mental Health

  • Physical Health

  • Emotional Health

  • Spiritual Health

If you just look at one aspect you will not find the balance you seek!

I have written a little about each aspect below

Mental Health

In this fast moving technological age, we are so attached to our computers, phones, social media that our minds are running at 100mph!

When we do not take time to relax the mind, and I don’t mean just chilling out watching Netflix as this does nothing to help our mental state, we break the connection to the heart chakra.

If we are always in the “mind” we are not in the body and can not recharge, rest or relax properly. We feel overwhelmed, constantly stressed, don’t sleep well, everything feels like a struggle and we feel tired all the time. If this is how you feel, you need to relax your mind and connect back to your heart.

To do this, make a point each day for at least 15 mins of relaxation. This can include, mediation, sitting quietly with no distractions but with eyes open (no phone!!), sitting quietly listening to music, lying down with an eye mask on, listening to a Yoga Nidra or a guided meditation.

I have a few free meditations here on this site and here is a link to one of my favourite Yoga Nidra’s by Ally Boothroyd on YouTube, which is a brilliant way to promote deep relaxation.

Physical Health

A lot of people are going through physical health challenges right now and this is because the body is trying to align with the new energies. If you have something that is blocking this alignment it may show up in the physical body, especially if you have been holding on to the emotions that have caused it for a long time.

99% of physical problems stem from unhealed emotional trauma, so if you have not worked through these emotions, you may find you get a sudden illness or a health problem that was once manageable now becomes unmanageable.

Our physical body is the only one we have, so if problems are arising, please go to the doctor to get checked out. As I have written in previous articles, doing our own healing work should be in conjunction with modern medicine as sometimes we need the help to feel better, so we can then find the strength and energy to uncover and heal the actual cause!

I also suggest looking at your diet as I am seeing a lot of nutrient/vitamin/mineral deficiencies in clients at the moment which are obviously not helping the body’s ability to recover, and they can also cause even more health problems.

Diet is so important, especially with all the chemicals, pesticides and deteriorating nutrients in the soil. We are not getting the health benefits from food like we used to, so supplements can be very helpful. Please check with your Doctor before taking any as they can interfere with medications.

Do some exercise that you enjoy! Exercise can help us feel good as it releases endorphins that help us feel more relaxed and less anxious. Plus it is great to get the body moving!

I start the day with a mixture of Qigong, squats and yoga. I have a little routine that I do for about 10-15 minutes, so not long and it helps me start the day in a good mood! I have also started belly dancing classes, which are so much fun and I take a walk in nature every day. I have found I will only stick to exercise if I enjoy it, so find something that feels fun and go for it!

Emotional Health

Are you releasing your emotions and working through any unhealed trauma?!

This is so important in terms of being able to move forward more easily. We all have old emotions that are blocking us from being our true selves! This is one of the reasons we came down here, so we could experience all of the emotions that a 3D physical world has to offer, which is not an easy task!

One of the ways to know if you are working through emotions that are coming up to be healed is to understand how often you are “triggered on a daily basis!!

Being triggered means you feel a certain emotion from an event, a person, a social media post etc.

For example, if you read something and it makes you angry, then you have been triggered! If someone says something to you and you got offended or upset, you have been triggered! If an situation occurs that makes you feel scared, you have been triggered!

If you have any type of negative emotional reaction to someone or something, you have been triggered.

Look at how many times this happens each day. Then look at what happens, is it always the same thing that triggers you? Do you always get angry? Do you always get frustrated? Do you always feel scared?

The more awareness you can bring to your own emotional state the easier it is to heal.

When you get triggered, (we all do!), go away on your own and sit with the emotion that has come up. Do not go on your phone or do something else as this is just avoidance and this leads to the build up of these emotions, which come out as physical issues at some point in the future, plus they make you feel horrible! So take the time to deal with the trigger.

Sit down and FEEL the emotion, let it fill your body. If you are angry punch a pillow or scream into the pillow! Let it out of the body. If you are upset, allow the tears to flow. But the main thing is to feel the emotion and it will leave the body in about 30 seconds to maybe a minute!

You may feel another emotion underneath the one you just released, if this happens, continue and feel this emotion too. Keep going until you feel better. This is how you release emotions.

You will keep being triggered until you release these emotions. No matter if you get rid of the job, person, relationship, etc but you have not healed the emotion within it will get triggered again in a different way. You cannot run away from your emotions, they will follow you as this journey is all about healing them!!

You will begin to see a pattern if you look at how often and why you get triggered each day. See this as what your soul wants you to heal.

The energies are ramping up and we are being triggered much more than normal. This is so we have to look at our stuff, there is no more avoiding it!

Spiritual Health

I just wanted to remind you of some quick and easy ways to help your spiritual connection and spiritual health!

  • Take time to connect with Mother Earth to make sure you are grounded. This is extremely important in the current energies to help us find balance.

  • Clear your energy field/aura. We collect a lot of negative energy from other people and the world around us. We also give away our own energy and both of these things can make us feel very tired and depleted. I see this so often with clients. I do this for myself every day, so I suggest you do too.

  • Connect with your inner child. Make time for play and fun! As adults, we often forget to play. This will help you feel lighter, freer and happier!

  • Connect with God/Source/Angels/Goddess (whoever you work with). This is personal to the individual, but try to take at least 5 mins to connect. This can be in prayer, silence, sending them love, thank them for their help etc.

  • Be grateful! Take a moment to be grateful for all that you have. Give thanks for the little things as well as the big things.

  • Tell yourself you are proud of you and that you love you. Look yourself in the eye in the mirror and say out loud “I am proud of you. I love you.”

I have written a couple of articles on how to ground and also how to clear your own energy field, which you can find here.

There is a lot of information here, so please don’t feel overwhelmed! I just wanted to give you some ideas on how to re-balance yourself, which will make following the spiritual path so much easier!

Just choose one thing you want to change and do that each week. This way you can start slow and build up to making big changes.

We will all get lots more opportunities to heal, and move forward on the ascension path, so there is no rush.

Just remember to make sure you are not disconnected from the heart as this is truly the key to unlocking everything. If you are in your head, you are not in your heart!

In previous years, we could avoid our emotions and physical problems more easily and put them on the back burner, but we need to start facing things in 2024 or life as we know it will begin to become very tough!

We cannot move forward in these new energies by staying the same, so we need to take the next steps on our healing path or the Universe will give us a BIG wake up call (or a few smaller ones) until we get it!

I am incredibly grateful for your support from reading my posts, sharing them and buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) or giving me a donation. This enables me to keep this blog ad-free. Thank you.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2024. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share these articles, but I would appreciate a working link back to it. Thank you.


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