Navigating the New Energies

Woman's face with her eyes closed and energy all around her

As I was in the process of writing this article, I came across this beautiful piece by Marion Woodman, which spoke to me of how we should be working with these new energies.

We probably should have always been working like this! But these new energies are shining a great BIG spotlight light on everything that is out of balance in our own lives and within the world at large.

Please take a moment to really read this, perhaps read it out loud slowly and let the words sink into your being!

“To surrender is to accept life as it is:

winter today, spring tomorrow;

cruelty with beauty;

aloneness after love.

In fateful crises, we may really have no choice.

We know what we feel, know what we desire,

then slowly surrender

to accept what is, and forgive.

What might have been the salt of bitterness

becomes the salt of wisdom.

When the path is blocked,

we can accept or fight.

When we fight, doors slam.

When we surrender to the mystery and say,

Well, what do you need?

doors open.

Life becomes hectic.

We try to exert control,

create secure little pigeonholes,

believe we are in control.

And all the time we know

chaos leaps eternally

at our edges.

Whether we understand it or not,

sometimes we know

that Someone is moving us.

To know this

is to be known.”

~ Marion Woodman

April is a HUGE month astrologically, numerologically and spiritually, which is creating another great awakening across the planet!

You are not alone if you feel tired, disillusioned, unhappy, angry, fed up, overwhelmed or over-emotional!

You may also have found that the intense solar storms, which we have been experiencing, are very hard to deal with and each day feels like a rollercoaster of emotion with no end in sight!

These energies may also be bringing up physical pain. Some of this pain we are going through is a good thing (even if it doesn’t feel like it!) as it is shining a light on what we need to heal.

Pain can be mental, emotional, and spiritual not just physical! Your body is showing you through the physical aspect what you need to focus on.

Do NOT ignore these pains as it is your own way of communicating with yourself that something is out of balance.

I also suggest having any physical problems checked out, as working in conjunction with medicine is sometimes very helpful. If you are anything like me, the thought of going to the doctor might make you want to run away and hide, which isn’t very helpful!!

I spoke to Spirit about this as many of us on the spiritual path are very focused on our own healing and feel we want to do it ourselves with herbs and emotional work. Plus, probably have a lot of distrust when it comes to the medical profession for lots of reasons!

This is what Spirit said:

“Medicines are meant to work in conjunction with spiritual work. If you have a physical problem that you are unsure of or it is not healing, you should have it looked at.

Even understanding the actual problem will aid its healing. If you need to take a medicine to help you heal, then this should be done in conjunction with your own healing work.

We gave you information about balance, and this is part of it. When you are in discomfort and pain, it is very difficult to work through your emotional pain at the same time.

However, you should also use your own intuition and knowledge about what feels right for you in terms of the medication that is being offered.

Once you feel better you should work on the cause to heal it.”

This is very simplified, but I hope it shows you how things are meant to work! I know it is not quite this straightforward, but I wanted to give this information as I feel it is important.

Having said all of this, I do believe you should always trust yourself with what is best for you!

However, we each need to understand if it is our fear that is stopping us from getting help or whether it is in fact our intuition guiding us, this is KEY!

If you haven’t read the latest Spirit message about balance, then please click here as it may help.

Some things that may also help you through these energies:

Take a walk in nature. Take long soaks in a salt/clay bath. Enjoy being with those you love. Take a moment each day to be thankful. Say a prayer. Rest when you need to. Take a nap. I am finding Magnesium, Vitamin D3 and Red Clover supplements are really helping me (please consult your Dr. first!).

Above all treat yourself with kindness.

I am finding that a lot of traumas are coming up to be released, which I am seeing in all of my clients right now!

These traumas can be from past lives as well as from this life. I am also seeing that these are linked to some of the main physical problems we are experiencing too.

These old traumas are draining our energy and it is time to review them, heal them and close the door on the past to cut off the energy drain.

For many, this will create physical healing too.

By listening to our bodies, we will understand what needs to be healed in this way.

We are in unchartered territory and time is in flux, which I have already written about in previous posts, but I feel it will stay this way for a while yet!

I am getting that we need to try and let go of timings as this is a major stress point for a lot of us! We all want to know WHEN something will happen!!

Going with the flow has never been more important!

Luke, my Soulmate’s favourite saying is “Allow everything to be as it is.”

This is the best advice! When we allow everything to just be as it is, we begin to move with the energy. We actually become the flow.

April began with a new moon and will end with a new moon, which makes this month a black moon eclipse portal!

This is a period when a gateway, which ends on 30th April, becomes available for us to connect to and become the higher version of ourselves!

This opportunity can help us release past traumas, fears, and doubts and stop creating the same outcomes with the same energy!

It is time for change!

We need to stop with the self-doubt, the limitations, the worry about what other people think, the victim mentality that all of us have in some shape or form and choose the path our soul wants us to follow!

Let’s stop going around in circles repeating the same worn-out excuses as to why our lives are not where we want them to be!

What is it you want from life?

I am going to leave you with some empowering words to say out loud each day to help you move through these challenging times.

“I am grateful for all that I create in my life. I ask that Spirit/God (you choose) shows me the way forward each day. I surrender and let go of all that no longer serves my highest good. I send love to our beautiful Mother Earth and thank her for all that she is. I ground myself fully to her and connect fully with Source. I am completely protected, loved and safe. By the power that is God/Spirit/Source (you choose), so it is.” ~ Sarah Shepherd

Thank you from my heart to yours for your generous support by either buying me a coffee (purple coffee cup!) or giving me a donation. This enables me to keep this blog ad-free.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free”

~ Sarah Shepherd


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


What is the Solstice?


Spirit Message ~ Balance