December 12.12 Stargate and Key Activations

"Instead of fighting the darkness,

you bring in the light."

~ Eckhart Tolle

I felt guided to write a little more about the current energies and some of the key dates that are coming up as we have been having such powerful influxes of light and they are going to continue throughout December, so wanted you to be prepared!

The eclipse energies were also incredibly powerful and a lot of old emotions have been stirred up, but they have also brought in more truths and clarity too.

I am working a lot with my inner child at this time as hurt and anger rear up again! The current energies are bringing up some very old, toxic wounds and trauma that relate to the Mother energy and what that means to be loved, hence bringing forth the inner child within.

The Mother or I also call it Goddess energy is pure unconditional love.

In this love, we feel safe, held, loved, and protected.

I know not everyone is lucky enough to have felt this energy from their own Mother, but I was and it was beautiful, it still is, but it is now on a different plane as my Mum passed away a few years ago.

Since coming to terms with my own grief of losing her and this unconditional love, I have realised that we all have this divine Mother energy within, it is just sometimes challenging to give it to ourselves!

However, this is a key part of the spiritual journey, finding the unconditional love within to give to ourselves and others.

This is where the inner child work comes in as we need to heal the trauma and hurt held by the child to be able to feel worthy of the Mother’s love.

December is a pivotal month to help us purge what isn’t working, what doesn’t resonate, what isn't true, and what triggers us the most, so we can heal, let go and surrender.

Once we begin to trust in ourselves, give ourselves unconditional love because we know we are worthy of it, we can move forward and understand our truth.

Here are 3 key dates this month where BIG energies and influxes of light will occur!

12th Dec ~ 12.12 Stargate

19th Dec ~ Chiron goes Direct

21th Dec ~ The Solstice

All of these dates have a theme, which is a remembering of who we are and why we came here on Earth at this specific time.

As well as the inner child and divine Mother work, a lot of past life memories are coming up to be healed and let go too, along with fears and resistance to the next part of the journey.

Currently, the healing sessions, Light Codes, and Lightarian attunements I am doing with clients always include some form of upgrade and expansion work to help bring in and activate more of our spiritual abilities and gifts.

I am also finding I am working on the head, sinuses 3rd eye, Crown, and ears, which all relate to a spiritual awakening. Also, the jaw, teeth, and gums, which hold a lot of old emotions, especially from past lives.

You may be getting headaches, vertigo, ear pain or tinnitus, sinus pressure, jaw pain, eye problems, and sore or bleeding gums. These are all signs that you are upgrading, shifting, expanding, and awakening!

Self-care, rest, and lots of love for yourself are needed at this time!

Obviously, if you are concerned in any way, please contact a health professional.

Awakening and having new gifts come in can be very exciting, but also a little scary as it can catch you off guard!

Over the years I have developed a lot of my gifts, but one is always a bit hit and miss, which is Clairalience. I have a hard time working with this one as It seems to just happen when it wants!

Clairalience means clear smelling.

A person can pick up information by means of the sense of smell either literally or emotionally. For example, smelling the perfume of a deceased aunt or the cigar smoke of a beloved grandfather are quite common experiences.

Clairalience works in two basic ways; you can get the psychic/intuitive hit by literally smelling a scent or pungent odour or by acknowledging the feeling that something smells (emotionally) wrong.

I have control over what I sense, see and hear, but this one I have not yet mastered. So, for me, this is the ability that is coming in and opening up more, and unfortunately, I seem to be smelling things that are quite unpleasant, and then I have to understand it otherwise I smell it all the time!!

I am learning what different smells mean to me and how I then incorporate this with my other gifts.

I had to do the same thing with my Clairvoyance as my main gift is hearing Spirit (Clairaudience).

When a new gift comes through, it is important to learn how to use it and also how it works in conjunction with your other senses. Spirit actually took away my Clairaudience for a while so I would use my Clairvoyance more and learn to master it as I relied on my hearing too much!

I didn’t understand to begin with why we needed to Master all of these senses, but after doing more readings I began to understand how much quicker and easier it is to get information when you open everything! It is easier for Spirit too in terms of their communication and the energy we both use.

I am finding with the smells that I am being given these as they are to do with things I don’t personally want to look at! However, it is very hard not to when something smells terrible!

I have gone off on a bit of a tangent, but I am getting that this is important for others to understand. Especially, if the main gift that you have relied on for years suddenly vanishes or takes a break for a while as mine did.

Don’t panic if this happens to you! You are just supposed to master a new one.

Try to be open to whatever is coming in psychically, in whichever way. If you try to force it, it won’t work and you will just become frustrated!

Learning how to use your abilities takes time, and patience, but is so much quicker if you don’t try to control them or use your head! Go back into the heart.

I have written more about the different Clairs here with a few tips to help you practice.

Now, let’s get back to the energies of December as we are in for an eventful time over the next few weeks as all of this unfolds!

All 3 dates hold a lot of energy and I feel we will be getting downloads and also big bursts of inspiration during this period.

We may also feel very tired or not sleep well at night, so naps in the day may be needed.

It is important to take care of our physical bodies as well as our mental and emotional bodies during this time.

When a large wave of light comes in, we feel it in the body. It can cause old injuries to flare up, or we may experience achy joints or general stiffness. Yoga, stretching, and walking can help this.

This wave may also increase your hunger, especially for sweet things as the body will burn more energy during this time. I eat a lot of dark chocolate when I do energy work!!

Your emotions may be rather frazzled and you may feel very overwhelmed. Try not to make any big decisions when you feel like this or do anything that may cause more stress in your life. It is best to wait, go into the heart and surrender!

I know this is easier said than done, but you will have a better outcome when doing any tasks, especially anything that may cause unnecessary stress! Leave it until you feel more stable.

Flower essences can really help at this time. I am using the Bach Pine remedy at the moment.

Pine helps when we blame ourselves for things done or undone. We sometimes feel so guilty in a Pine state that we end up saying ‘sorry’ all the time.

I know many of you may also feel this, and I am finding Pine is helping me to shift this more easily.

Please try to find time each day to be silent and still as this will help you more than anything, even 5 mins worth!!

The 12:12 Stargate is a very powerful date and this one will be an intense outpouring of light, so please try and find time away from others and your to-do list!

Every December between 12/12 and 21/12 a cosmic gateway into higher dimensions opens.

12:12 is a universal ascension code to access divine consciousness, connect with the 12 dimensions of the universe, connect with the 12 tribes of the Great Central Sun and activate our 12 strand DNA.

The number 12:12 is a sacred symbol that represents your spiritual growth as an infinite spiritual being.

19th December ~ Chiron goes Direct

If you’ve been feeling more sensitive and vulnerable lately, that’s also because Chiron is getting ready to switch gears!

Chiron is not technically a planet but an asteroid, known as the wounded healer that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. In astrology, it is a significant cosmic energy.

In ancient Egyptian astrology, Chiron goes by another name ~ Anpu or Anubis, the God of the afterlife and lost souls.

Chiron’s retrograde period helps us to address old wounds by going within and using them as a source of power to work through the pain. It can also help us acknowledge how much we have grown.

Chiron stations direct on 19th December after being retrograde since July.

Once Chiron goes direct, we may feel more inspired to channel our past struggles into action and start truly healing.

Tannaz from Forever Conscious writes:

“This energy is not about obtaining a state of perfection through healing, rather it is about bringing acknowledgment and acceptance to our wounds in a way that allows us to access the wisdom they can bring.

Chiron doesn’t want us to heal because it will make us “better”. It wants us to learn how to source these wounds as powerful portals of wisdom, knowledge, and power. By extracting this information, we can step into a greater and fuller potential.

This level of healing work is about transcendence, rather than trying to “fix” ourselves in order to be worthy. We are already worthy, regardless of the wounds that live within.

As the poet Rumi says - the wound is where the light enters you.

I feel that this date, 19th December, will be very significant. I suggest taking things easy, if you can, and allowing time for plenty of contemplation, and relaxation.

21st December ~ the Winter Solstice

The Solstice is a key point in the year when the veil goes thin and we are able to connect more easily with Spirit and the higher dimensions.

It is also said that the energy grid of the planet is believed to come into harmony, allowing us to tap into the healing vibrations. A wonderful way to do this is by getting outside and enjoying what nature has to offer.

The darkest day of the year comes when the sun reaches its lowest point over the equator. This is a natural time for reflection, and moving inwards into a sort of spiritual hibernation.

This energy helps us to slow down, go inward, let go, forgive and surrender.

Meditation, and contemplation, are powerful at this time, as is being alone in silence to help you let go of the past year, and that which no longer serves you.

It is also a wonderful time for setting intentions, and visualizing what you want from the new year to aid the manifestation process!

The end of 2021 is filled with bright light, that will help us purge, clear, and feel a lot freer as we enter into 2022.

Please have patience and be kind to yourself and each other.

We are all trying to move through this very intense energy period, and stuff is being triggered left, right, and center, plus we are tired and feeling achy!

Even those who we think are not on the “spiritual path” are still dealing with this intensity, but just don’t understand what is happening.

I believe we are all on our own spiritual journey as “everything is spiritual” as Spirit once told me, and everyone is just trying to do the best with what they have.

Try and treat yourself as a Mother would her child.

Remember, we all have the Mother’s love within, we just need to choose to receive it as we are already worthy.

Thank you for reading and sharing this blog on social media, it is really appreciated.

I also love that many of you buy me a coffee, (purple coffee cup!) to help me run this blog and keep it ad-free, thank you so much.

If you prefer you can also donate via my site instead.

To help support you at this pivotal time, I have also set up a new group, with the lovely Gem, on Telegram. If you would like to join us, please visit Love, Healing & Unity.

I am incredibly grateful for your support, thank you.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

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“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free”

~ Sarah Shepherd


Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.


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