Blissfully Free

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2021 Energies

Happy New Year!

Welcome to Blissfully Free’s blog’s new home!

2020 was a rather eventful year, to say the least, and it feels a little strange to be writing again! For those who don’t know me, I have been writing about the current energies since about 2012, when I first set up my business!

Last year, I took time out, around March, from writing about the current energies and also took time away from writing about anything else and most of social media!

I wanted to stop writing about the current energies at the end of 2019 as the next few years felt very ‘dark’ to me in terms of the energy and now I understand that I also needed a break from writing and the structure I had imposed on myself with the monthly energies! However, I carried on until March when the world turned upside down! My last words on March’s energy update was “March is going to be a challenging month, but you’ve got this!”

I didn’t know a pandemic was coming, but I did feel a darker energy coming in from 2020 onwards and I found it hard to make my blog posts really hopeful with this dark energy hanging over me!

Taking some time away from writing and working with clients, running the Light Code events and really focusing on my own healing (which I have done a huge amount of in 2020!) has helped open my eyes as to what I want to write about and when!

I love writing, it is one of my passions and I love how Spirit flows through me when I sit down to write my blog. I didn’t, however, enjoy being under deadlines, which were completely self-created and I didn’t enjoy struggling to write when it didn’t feel good!

2021 is all about freedom, self-expression, and truth, so I decided to change my blog!

It felt right to bring my blog into the main Blissfully Free website and let the old one go. I always wrote from the heart, but now I want to share more of the truth, so if I do see some darkness coming I will write more about what I feel and see, rather than trying to spin it into hope and make it less than it is, as we need to face the changes that are coming.

The other change is that I am going to write when it feels good rather than imposing a deadline such as each month for the energies! So, you may find that my blog is a bit different from what you are used to, but my intention is still the same, which is to help you on your healing journey, whether through my words, my services, or the events I offer.

It is sometimes easy to forget that we all have the gift to heal ourselves. When that happens, we can need a little support to find our way. Please remember, you are never alone on this journey.

When I looked back at what I wrote about 2020, it definitely was “an incredibly transformational year, uncertain, unpredictable, a little wild, and the only thing that will be consistent will be change!” All very true, but I don’t think anything could have prepared us for what actually happened and still is!

2021 is a strange mix of energy as it feels more hopeful and lighter than 2020, yet still has the same sort of darkness hanging over it that 2020 did!

I get from Spirit that 2020 was just the beginning of the big changes coming our way.

2021 feels like another very challenging year, but with a shift of energy that can help us still be able to create the life we want! Sounds a bit confusing, doesn’t it! I will try my best to explain further!

I feel the numerology of 2021 explains this in part, so I have written a brief overview of what this year’s number means to help us navigate this year more easily.

2021’s Numerology

In numerology, the universal years range from 1 to 9.

2021 (2+0+2+1 = 5) is a Universal 5 year, which is all about freedom, self-expression, truth, change, and adventure!

It correlates with our 5th Chakra, which is the Throat Chakra, so this will be a focus for us all this year in terms of our own healing work. It is definitely time to speak our truth!!

I love how Sarah Yip writes: “5 looks like a person running, a propeller and a bicycle. It's all about moving people forwards in the direction of their dreams!” This is exactly what the 5 year is about!!

Number 5 is also the number of humanity. Human beings have five fingers, five toes, five appendages (if the head is included), five senses, and five major systems of the body. More people will awaken this year and hearts will open even further too!

2021 is all about going with the flow of the universe! This year will bring about a lot more change and new ways of doing things will be created. It is a good year to try something new and be a bit more adventurous.

There will also be important breakthroughs and discoveries made in the fields of technology and science.

However, people must guard against an overwhelming desire for change as this could lead to violent behaviour and rioting instead of peaceful protests. Unfortunately, I feel we will see more of this in 2021.

The number 5 is unpredictable, so expect the unexpected this year with everything!

Finding your own stability and balance is key to riding this next wave!

2021 Energy

It is very important to remember that we are still in the process of moving from one decade to another! Before we can rebuild, the old needs to collapse OR be released, otherwise, there is no space for the new.

I can see beautiful pockets of light bursting throughout 2021, but mixed in with the light is still some darkness. This ‘darkness’ is the old ways of doing things, the old money system, the inequality, the power struggles, the political games, etc.

There are still a lot of people in this world who are trying hard to keep things the way they were, but there are also a lot of people trying hard to create change.

The old ways are collapsing, but this can create chaos, especially with the tug of war that is going on!

As so many are being denied their freedom, in so many ways, all over the world, people have had enough and it is triggering a BIG change. There will be more uprisings in 2021, especially in the USA, but we will see this escalating all over the world.

People are waking up! We are seeing through the lies and incompetence of our individual governments! Communities are coming together to help each other and hearts are opening.

We will see more localised groups connecting and more people wanting to move out of the cities, be more locally minded, take more interest in nature, and even growing their own food.

Connection is key this year, even if we are still locked in our homes!

The biggest challenge I see us all facing is fear. Fear of the unknown is a powerful emotion and can create anxiety to the point of illness and anger to the point of violence.

Our lives have been turned upside down and our governments keep them spinning in circles. It is difficult to let go of fear when everything changes again in a moment.

Not only are we going to have to deal with getting through the next part of the virus, which could also create problems between the world and China as new information comes to light, but I also feel that Russia could be looking at creating tension too in other ways!

More Earth changes will be coming again this year, such as storms, flooding, droughts, and fires as climate change is progressing quickly. However, one of the main feelings I get this year though is about earthquakes, especially around California, China, and also Japan.

As I have said before, Spirit does not give us information to cause fear, they just want us to understand what is coming and be prepared, so we can help ourselves and others in the coming times.

Just to note, I feel a darkness around the USA on Inauguration day on 20th January. Something is very off around this time and it does not feel good! I am not getting a read as to what this is as things haven’t been decided yet, but around this time of the month feels very dark. So, please watch yourself if you live in America and listen to your intuition around this date.

Parts of 2021 feel very oppressive and I find it hard to breathe, so breathwork is key for 2021! Taking time out to breathe and find your center is going to be very important to help you move forward and find balance this year.

2021 will be another challenging and eventful year, there is no doubt, however, we are each responsible for everything that happens in our lives!

So, take responsibility today to make 2021 a great year for you, no matter the chaos that it may bring with it!

Here are 5 suggestions to help you move through 2021 with more ease:

♥ Take a moment each day just to breathe!

Stop, sit or stand, then take a lovely deep breath in through the nose and let everything go out through the mouth. Doing this three times with nice deep breathes when you feel stressed or anxious will help calm your nervous system and bring you back into your body.

♥ Find a group that FEELS good to you.

This can be connecting with a group of friends regularly, finding a FB group to be part of, setting something up with family members, or perhaps something like Yoga with Adrienne. Whatever helps you feel supported, loved, and nourished is the key!

♥ Self-care

I know everyone spiritual always harps on about self-care, but this year it is going to be doubly important to take time out to heal, release and rebalance. Take a moment to feel what you need in your life to help you FEEL better and more loved! Doing yoga every day, taking long salt baths, and giving myself healing at least twice a week are how I give myself some love. What about YOU?!

Say NO with love!

If you are anything like me, you find it difficult to say no to anything, and if you do say no, you end up feeling guilty! And if you have said yes and really didn’t want to, then you may be feeling angry, resentful, and rather tired!! This is the year of freedom and truth, so take back your power and speak your truth, which may be a NO! I am going to write an article about saying no with love, which will be up soon! So, watch this space. A tip, for now, is when someone asks you to do something, take a moment and see how it feels. Does it FEEL good? Does your heart leap forward to help or does your stomach churn and you already start to feel guilty if you think about saying no? Let your intuition be your guide!

♥ Take Responsibility for EVERYTHING!

Now this one is not easy! It may sound easy and when you feel good it is very easy to say “I accept full responsibility for everything in my life!” But try this when you feel angry, hurt, sad, or disappointed by someone or something! I have learned that this is one of the hardest lessons, yet it is one of the most empowering! I feel I will be writing more about this soon, but in the meantime when anything or anyone triggers you and you blame them or the situation, ask yourself “How did I create this?” You will be surprised at how much this helps you grow and also may show you how stubborn your ego is sometimes, as it did mine and still does!!

I love what I do and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. If you would like to support me in writing this blog, please click on the purple coffee cup at the side or donate here, thank you so much, I really appreciate your support. x

Wishing you a very happy, truthful, and peaceful New Year.

Blissful Blessings,

Sarah x

P.S. If you would like to receive an email every time I post on this blog, you can sign up by clicking here. You will only get notified about new blog posts. If you wish to receive my monthly newsletter, please subscribe at the bottom of the page! x

“Healing, for me, is all about connecting back to love, which in turn lets us be blissfully free…”

~ Sarah Shepherd

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Copyright © Sarah Shepherd of Blissfully Free 2021. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share my articles, but please reference a working link back to the article. Thank you.

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